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The designers of this program.

Dr. David Biles


Our program co-founder, Dr. David Biles, has done extensive research on brain functions, eye tracking, and how these areas interrelate to perceptual motor function and excelling in school. He recently retired from John Swett Elementary, where he taught since 1984 and first introduced his program. He is also an instructor at St. Mary's College. Dr. Biles developed a reputation as an inspiring speaker throughout Northern California, including:

• St. Mary's College

• Sonoma State University

• Los Medanos College

• Contra Costa Child Care Council and First Five

• Waugh School District, Petaluma, CA

• PTAs and Preschools



Lenee Howe


Our program co-founder, Lenee Howe, has a bachelor's degree in Child Psychology and minored in Kinesiology, from Sonoma State University. She has been teaching elementary education at Meadow School since 2004. She spent 6 years teaching 6th grade, 5 years teaching 2nd grade, and is currently teaching 4th grade. She has successfully implemented the IPM program at Meadow and has schools from around the area come to see the program in action. In addition, she is a tutor with the Barton Reading Program, helping children with reading disabilities.  

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